Ed Awareness Week: Shared Stories Pt 2.

Continuing from yesterday’s Ed stories, here are some more submissions from amazing ED Warriors! All showing that there is hope, and help out there. You are not alone through this! The first is a beautiful text from Veronica. I can relate so much to this as can so many others. She also sent me a…

A beginners guide for the gym.

When I first wanted to start weightlifting I was terrified of going into a gym full of guys and just picking up a set of weights. Firstly because I had no idea what I was doing and secondly because I felt like they would all stare at me thinking ‘she doesn’t belong here’. And off…

Starbucks releases new Jackfruit Wrap!

Yup another little Vegan Starbucks insider. On the 4th January Starbucks are releasing ANOTHER vegan wrap!! This will be a pulled bbq jackfruit wrap which will also be released simultaneously with the new Oat mylk. The ingredients look pretty descent too! The wrap is made of linseeds and Chia seeds (high protein!) and also has…

Oat milk at Starbucks!

In the new year you will start to see a lot more vegan products hitting the shelves and menu at Starbucks Uk! One of the most exciting new editions is the option to have Oat milk in your coffee! This expands their plant based products to Almond, Coconut, Soya and Oat. Above, Oat milk Cappuccino…

Ethical Fashion Event Hits Shoreditch

NEXT WEEK VEVOLUTION BRING VEGAN FASHIONISTAS TO SHOREDITCH FOR SHOWCASE EVENT Since February, Vevolution an events and media startup launched in 2016 have been holding monthly sold-out events at co-working and events space The Trampery in Shoreditch (a great area to be in if you’re all about fashion). I have been to as many as…

HeartCure Re-Launch!

HeartCure Clothings new range launch and exciting first ever Vegan social platform!  Some people may have already heard of HeartCure Clothing after visiting  Vegfest or via their online store, if not then you are in for a new wardrobe refresh!  HeartCure Clothing is the only completely vegan non-profit company, owned by the lovely Georgia and…

Limber and streeeeetch! 

So this is a post I have been wanting to write up for a while but I haven’t had the sufficient amount of time to exert all my energy into, mainly because I want to make it the best I can! Heads up for all you Yogi’s out there, this ones for you! During last…